Rove Winery Blog

Your Spring Wine and Food Pairing Guide

Your Spring Wine and Food Pairing Guide

Flowers are blooming. The trees are green. And you’re ready to spend warm spring days swinging on your porch swing or having friends over for a barbeque. To make your spring days (and nights) a bit more perfect, add a great spring wine!  Let’s talk about the best wines for spring sipping and to celebrate the end of winter. Spring Wine #1: Sauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc is a great white wine to sip on a beautiful spring day. Its crisp, zesty, herbaceous flavor will remind you of gardens blooming.  Sauvignon Blanc has a light to medium body. And has a...

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3 Delicious Wine and Chocolate Pairings

3 Delicious Wine and Chocolate Pairings

3 Delicious Wine and Chocolate Pairings Wine and chocolate seem like a natural pairing. Both are aphrodisiacs. Both contain flavanols known for their antioxidant properties. But maybe you’ve discovered a bitter taste when the wine you drank clashed with your chocolate. Yuck. But there is a way to successfully pair the two. It’s all about choosing the right wine with the right chocolate. And when that happens... Oh, what a beautifully decadent pair! Just a few wine and chocolate pairing tips: Taste from light to dark for the chocolate or the wine. Start with wine slightly sweeter than the chocolate...

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Rove Winery’s 2023 Wine Grape Harvest: Thriving from Tradition & Stewardship

Rove Winery’s 2023 Wine Grape Harvest: Thriving from Tradition & Stewardship

The October wine grape harvest is a special time at Rove Winery. This time of the year isn’t just a season for us. It’s a celebration of family, farming, and the rich Gallagher traditions that make our wines exceptional. There’s something magical about all the activity on the farm as our family and team come together to harvest the many fruits from the year’s careful cultivation. To see the clusters of sun-ripened grapes on the vines waiting to be gathered and made ready to turn into wine. It’s the culmination of all our farming efforts and traditions – all wrapped...

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All About Pinot Gris: Your Essential Guide

All About Pinot Gris: Your Essential Guide

Imagine sitting on the back porch enjoying the summer sunset as you sip on a glass of chilled white wine. And what’s in that glass? Pinot Gris, a beautiful white wine that has a versatile profile. Many wine enthusiasts love Pinot Gris because of its wide range of flavors. So let’s dive into the beauty of Pinot Gris and why you need a bottle in your home. Pinot Gris Wine’s Origin & History Pinot Gris in French means “grey pinecone” for the grape’s greyish-pink color. Thought to be a mutation of the Pinot Noir grape, Pinot Gris traces its origins...

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